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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Doa-Doa Menghadapi Peperiksaan

Doa agar dikurniakan kefahaman yang baik dan ingatan yang sempurna sewaktu menelaah matapelajaran:

(Allahummar zuqna, Ya Rabbi fahaman nabiyyiin, wa hifzaal mursaliin,

wa ''ilhaamal malaikatiil muqarrabbin, fii ''aafiyaati, ya Arhamar raahimiin)
Maksudnya: "Wahai Tuhanku, kurniakanlah kami fahaman nabi-nabi dan hafalan para rasul
serta mendapat ilham dari para malaikat yang hampir denganMu,
juga kurniakanlah kami kesihatan Wahai Tuhan Yang Amat Pengasih"
Doa sebelum masuk kelas/dewan peperiksaan

(Wa hai yi''lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa)

Maksudnya: Ya Allah, persiapkan kami mengenai dengan urusan kami dengan petunjukMu
Doa sewaktu lupa semasa menjawab soalan

(Subhaa na man laa ya naa mu wa laa yas huu

Allahumma zakkirnii maa nasiit) 3 kali
Maksudnya: Maha Suci Tuhan yang tidak pernah tidur dan tidak pernah lalai,
Wahai Tuhanku, ingatkanlah aku apa-apa yang aku lupa)

Doa memohon kejayaan cemerlang -

dibaca sebelum tidur setiap hari sehinggalah keputusan peperiksaan diumumkan.

(Allahumma inni as-alukal fauza ''indal qadha
wa manaazilasy syuhada wa ''ai syas su ''a da'' wan nasra alaal a ''daa'')

Maksudnya: Ya Allah Kami memohon kejayaan dalam setiap ketentuan, tempat para syuhada''
dan kehidupan orang-orang bahagia serta kemenangan mengatasi musuh

Petua Menghadapi Peperiksaan

• Kajian terhadap topik dan pemetaan maklumat

Semak sama ada anda memahami sepenuhnya, separuh atau tidak memahami langsung bab berkenaan. Jika ada bab yang belum difahami sepenuhnya, segera buat peta minda dengan mencatat maklumat penting yang berkaitan.

• Semak soalan tahun lalu (setiap subjek)

Biarpun soalan akan berubah setiap tahun, anda tetap perlu menyemaknya untuk membandingkan kekerapan topik berkenaan keluar dalam setiap peperiksaan.

• Banyakkan pembelajaran secara output learning

Di saat-saat akhir, anda seharusnya banyak mengulang kaji pelajaran secara output learning iaitu mengeluarkan kembali kefahaman anda kepada bentuk lakaran ataupun menerangkan kepada rakan. Ia dapat membantu menguatkan ingatan terhadap sesuatu mata pelajaran.

• Memperbanyakkan latih tubi dan ujian simulasi

Satu cara untuk menguji sejauh mana pemahaman anda terhadap sesuatu subjek adalah melalui latihan berterusan (latih tubi) dan soalan tahun sebelumnya. Ia mampu menolong anda mengatasi bahagian subjek yang lemah.

• Nota ringkas

Nota ringkas amat penting dan berguna kerana ia senang dibawa ke mana saja. Anda boleh membaca catatan nota ringkas berkenaan di waktu terluang.

• Pastikan mendapat tidur dan rehat secukupnya

Biar sesibuk mana sekalipun, anda perlu mendapat tidur dan rehat cukup. Jangan lupa bersenam sekurang-kurangnya 10 minit bagi memastikan badan kekal cergas. Pengaliran oksigen yang baik boleh menghasilkan otak yang cerdas.

• Pemakanan berkhasiat dan seimbang

Elak mengambil terlalu banyak makanan yang mengandungi kafein (seperti kopi) kerana anda mungkin akan sukar tidur dan hilang tumpuan.

• Kawal emosi

Elak terbabit dalam sebarang konflik yang boleh menggugat ketenangan emosi di saat anda akan menduduki peperiksaan. Jangan menimbulkan sebarang pertelingkahan atau terasa hati dengan rakan-rakan atau keluarga kerana ia boleh menggugat ketenangan ketika menjawab soalan kelak.

• Banyakkan berdoa dan bersolat

Sebagai makhluk yang lemah, kita memang tidak dapat lari daripada berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t. Sebagai seorang Islam, anda perlu memper banyakkan solat hajat, tahajud dan berdoa memohon bantuan-Nya. Sebelum melangkah ke dewan peperiksaan, pohon keampunan dan keredaan daripada ibu bapa dan guru.

• Jangan panik

Sebaik melangkah masuk ke dewan peperiksaan, jangan panik kerana ia mampu membuatkan kita lupa 50% apa yang sudah dipelajari selama ini. Tanamkan keyakinan dalam diri, anda boleh menjawabnya.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


p/s : ukhuwwah itu indah andai bertemu dan berpisah kerana ALLAH s.w.t

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

happy birthday sir!!!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to Sir Akhdiat ...

Bersama isteri tercinta
Adila , Yusmaria, Falihin ,Afnie , Musfiroh
Adha , Abdullah , Aisamuddin

bergambar kenangan BLC 2 bersama sir Akhdiat
sdpnya kek ni.!!

Terimalah hadiah yang x seberapa dr kami...moga sir gembira disamping isteri dan anak2 tercinta...sebenarnya nak buat kejutan kt sir tp memandgkan planning x menjadi..hanya sekadar yg termampu..nanti thn depan kami bwk kek besday yg 3 kilo plak..





Friday, April 10, 2009

handphone glass

I want to make one magic glass; with this I can take the picture, video, read and reply message, hear the music and call and answer the call. This glass name is ‘HANDPHONE GLASS’, at the both stick of the glass I will put the remote to control this thing. Camera, video and message we can use it at the glass mirror, to use it we only touch the remote at stick glass, this remote is touch screen. Music we can hear at the last part of the glass stick and the sim card we will put it at the glass stick. If we want to type message, we has to type, first, we only think in mind the word what we want ,and this word will appear at the mirror, and the second skill is, we can use the remote, we type the word what we want, and the word will appear at the mirror. This magic glass contains 500 GB of memory and 10MP of camera and video quality. With HANDPHONE GLASS our life become more amazing and smart.

1080959......sofi japri

Israel and PAlestine

Palestine, in this country contains our first kiblah, Mosque al-aqsa. But now, the bad and cruel country, Israel was damage this country, I fully disagree what happen at Palestine. Husband was lost his wife, and wife lost their husband, and children lost their family and parents. I have the story from Malaysian journalist was goes to Palestine, he says when they are arrive at the Palestine he saw the children with scar and hurt at his face, but he see it’s so beautiful. The scar is like the chocolate at his face and don’t see the feel of sick at the children face. And after that, he was walk to one home to give the donation, when arrive at this home he smell of deodorize in this home, he ask to Palestine people beside him, ‘from where this smell come?’, the Palestine people says, ‘it’s come from the human meat, which dead by bombed by Israel soldier’, I know that, because at the wall of this house has a some human meat. This is the smell from the human was dead because defend of Islam and their Country. I hope one day I will be like them. Amin!

1080959.....sofi japri

how to keep my healthy

Healthy, is an important thing to any people, with health we can do many activities in or daily life. I will show to you, how me protect my healthy. At morning before to school my beloved mother will make the breakfast, she make the boiled egg, milk and bread. It’s good to our body. At lunch time, I will take the rice, fish or chicken and some vegetables; I must to eat vegetables in my lunch time. And at evening I will go to exercise with my friends or family, a week we do 3 times of exercise. At night I drink 5 glass or mineral water and go to sleep. Drink the water before sleep is good, because while we are sleep, our body was made the body process. I was do that until I at the university and until I’ am free from dangerous disease.

1080959.....sofi japri


Twin sister or brother, we usually see it during study at primary and secondary school, university or at the place work. I don’t have a twin, but if I have a twin brother, it’s great, but has some bad. With has a twin I can share my problem and change my idea or information with him, it’s so good. At place we are study, I will become the famous student. Students and teachers know me, it does will make easy to me, to see and talk with them. And the bad with has a twin is, I must to take care the activity I want to do, all of my friends know about me. So I must to take care the kind of my parent’s names. If my twin is a babble man, it’s so bad to me; I think you know what will happen to me and to him.

1080959.........sofi japri

Adopt Children

One day after I’ am marriage and don’t have any children, I’ am sure to take adopt children in my family live, it’s because without children my life will become more lonely and bored. With take adopt children I can play with them, it does will make my family life become happier. I’ am also can feel why my mother keep me while I’ am child. I will take adopt children from the poor family which inability to keep their children. I give them the education, place to live and the love. After they are become adult and can keep their self. I will give them to their real parent again. I also will take the adopt children from the non Muslim family, I will teach and see to them the beautiful and the kind of Islamic religion, and after that I ask them and their family to join the Islam religion. If any girl don’t want to marriage with me, I’ am invariable to take adopt children, it’s because I’ am love child too much.

1080959......mohd sofi japri

Thursday, March 19, 2009

healty life

The healty is very important in our life. I'm take many way to care my healty such as I'm sleep very well to top up my power and energy after I do so many thing which are to attend my classes, to finish my assagments, and others..I'm also always take my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my diet..a day of week I must exercise to produce my sweat where it contains toxic..that all my ways to care my healty..every person has inside individual way to taking care of their health..........
By:Aisamuddin Ariff 1080941

Sunday, March 15, 2009

hEaLthY LifE..(16-3-09)

On my view which ways that i assume might be help myself live in a healthy life.regularly,i've do exercise twice in one week and the time that i've taken is not too long,only fiftht teen minutes in once.consequently,the exercise will borne sweat on my body,so my body may feel active and also energy order hand in my meals,it is have too much benefits that has provided by eat a balance meals at the majority might gave to me the positive effect.such effects, the health of my body automatically have a good immunity to avoid the disease right away.moreover surely i can save my money more in order its no need to me to by the medicine or treatment while i'm suffering in, if we want to get a healthy in life,its only sufficient by the practise of that ways.-nOr aiNi aHmaD-1080942

ways I help myself live a healty

Everyone must be care for healty in life. I'm said so becauase its very important for the people. I'm also very caring about this because its can me more enegy and easy to do something.Beside that, its can bring me enegy and not tired in any situated.The ways that I help myself live a healty life such as I'm always take good food everyday.On the other hand, I'm very care in food ways in my life. I must take food for enough everyday. I always take the food on time everyday. I must take breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night snack. Its very important for me. Furthermore, I like take breakfast everyday with one culp of milk and two slices of white bread with butter.sometimes, I also take bread with two eggs. This food can me protein and its good for breakfast. Then,at lunch i must take rice with fish or chicken. I like this. At night, I usually take pasta group or fruit. I must take fruit although one in week. The ways I have healthy in life too that I take rice with vegetable, mea and so on. sometimes, I'm also take the supper such as potato chips, snack, nuts and dry beans. so, actually I always care for healty in my life everyday. lastly what last can I say that every people must take good food for healty in life.


ways of healthier live

A lot of manner that can make me healthier everyday. I must care about my foods that contains the fat. If i take the fat foods, it can risk me of obesities or heart attacked. Then I must eat the fruits because the fruits give me the more vitamins.They also take my skins more beautiful.Because of that, I like to eat the fruits like tomatoes and cucumber.The vegetables also give me the teenage to works better. The other important things is I must does the exercise in morning or evening for several days in a weeek. The exercise like jogging and aerobics are needed to me for healthier. Then, important to me to follow the food schedule or another things like the food guide pyramid. Sometimes, I needs to visit or spend the holiday in other place to release tension and relaxing my mind.Then, in weekend I can go to shopping to enjoy myself. The things that when I enjoy, my life can become healthier.

Reviewed by, Rohaila Binti Abdullah

The way i help myself to live in a healthy life style

Im believed everyone wanna live in a healty life style. im also one of them. everyone have their own here i would like to tell my way how i prepaired myself to be one of the people who have a healty life style. first of all im prepairing myself in food nutrition because i have heard that the saying wisdom said that "we are what we eat" so im caring what i eat. im practised what are islamic way provided. i always take honey at least once a day.because our prophet was said that the honey are the mothers and the powers of has many function which can help our stomach to be more healthy. in fact our stomach is the place which can determine our healty of body,its like a machine of food process. then im practice eat more fruit and i take it before 30 minutes i eat beacause its better for our digest process. im remember my grandma had said that when we drink milk dont ever take fish or meat beacause can distub our digest process and it are true from the science and islamic perspective.secondly is im prepaired myslf with always excercise.for me excercise just not go to aerobic class for everyday but when we do something which involve or body move also can be said as an excercise. let a said like clear the house everyday which can make our body sweat and it also one of the way to excercise. Thirdly is im always make sure myself lack of take junkfood and also fastfood because its not healthy for our lifestyle.i will make sure myself at least once a month will take this kind of food. because the saying wisdom said prevention is better than we should care what we take and we eat. something i like to share is in islamic way was provide that the method to their
humanity that practise sunnah food are great for health.also we should do more excercise and the best excercise in islamic way is always pray in half night or one third night.because the scientist was found that when we pray our blood will be includes to our nerve in our body and all of this just happening when we pray only. so its better way to practised and im try to practised that way even not everynight im do it but its are the one of the best way to excercise especially for our internal bodies.when internal bodies is healthy so automatically our external bodies will be healthy too.


Healthy life. 1080952

How to healthy in my life ? Firstly , i can take the time to look ourselves because in my responsibility is student to university.In my life , in it can be easy to regleat our health and wellness. What are some people or student simple things that can be do to improve our quality of life ? I just clarify whai i can do to healthy in my life.For the example , i can take your juice to start my study and even give some healthy in life.At the time ,i can exercise is another good for most of the student or people ,how i can aerobics , yoga , and others.Even the lunch time , i can take nutritinists and vitamin serves of fresh vegetables per day.
Lets come on do something to healthy life !!

post by; maria [1080952]


I have bad health history in my life.until now I have been opperate more than two times so I realy care about my healthy.First I concern about my daily meal.Everyday I'll take pure honey before breakfast.I also love to eat vegetables especially local salad.I never eat fast food or junk food because it contain much MSG or flavour. I also do some regular exercise.During weekend I'll jog at the lake garden.It take about one hour to complete two round of lake. Beside that, I always keep positive thinking to avoid stress. It can be do with easy way like smile to others, do 'solah jamaah' or prayer with others and always keep your self clean.


HEALTHY OF LIFE............

In this period people not concern about their healthy because of living in buzy life.many way to help us to live in a healthy life.If you wish to live a healthy life, exercise or sports are the most suitable action you should take. With healthy recreation and sports, you not only living healthy life but also have a healthy life way.. How to live a healthy life? First, you must have a healthy life style. Secondly, you must eating healthy for life, taking healthy food, read healthy life magazine. These are ways of how to lead a healthy life. and in this time people cannot run from stress.....

A lot of stress can make someone not think early about theirself and can make something wrong when someone cannot conduct their stress like eat althought not hungry. someone often eat because of stress not because of hungry.the clearly impact of it causes obesity and make lazy,and decrease productivities and qualities of although we live in buzy lifestyle we should know how to conduct our stress. many way to we live in healthy life such as involve in sports, doing something we love,nurse the animals, involve in social service organizations, reflexology and so on.

NUR ATIKAH(1080944)

healty living

As a student, I need live a healty life .So, i have the way help myself live a healty life. We know that the food we eat affect us in different way. I'm believe that fruit and vegetables can help myself to live a long and health. Furthermore, my parent also advice me to eat more fruit,vegetable and grains and less meat fewer dairy like cheese. Please avoid a food can make you disease if you want to live in healthy life.Besides that, in early morning, I do exercise like jogging or play badminton. As a result, i can study without stress.

nur ilyani normuda


The way I help myself live a healthy life are do exercises on weekend like jogging, sports and others. When do any exercise, we can feel healthy and fresh. Then, I also take care of my food that enter in my stomach with less sugar, less salt, less oil and callories when I eat. Moreover, I choose to have a healthy diet with not take junk food, and eat more fruits and vegetables. It can prevent any diseases that dangerous to our healthy like obessity, heart disease, cancer and so on. On the other hand, I make sure that my environment is always clean and health. On daily habits, I make sure that my house is clean from any dirty. Every week, we do cleaning home to make sure it clean and clear. So, let's live in healthy life....

Healthy Life

How to help healthy life? . Do something to good change. The food guide pyramid. The thing are to healthy is diet heathy. Firstly, high fats,oils and sweet use sparingly. And addition, milk, yogurt and cheese to take 2-4 serving daily. It is able to heatlh your skin . However, Meat, poultry,fish,dry beans,eggs and nuts also to take everyday for healthy mind. In research, nuts able to health and give vitamin to mind. Group vegetable specially borocoly able to more vitamin to your body. The body not feel tiring everyday. Moreover, fruit group for example, apple, orange and other easy to digest. It is also less cholestrol in food. This also avoid of weak your body. However, you can eat bread,cereal,rice to healthy. This also can to change with food other. All food if not plan to eating can be big problem. For example more meat can get high blood and many sick other we can get. Everyday, you can take healthy food follow the time breakfast, lunch, dinner, late night snack. A healthy diet is important for children as well as adults.

noorfalihin binti zoor

way to help healthy life

The ways will help my self live a healty in my life with choice food beneficial and nutritious becaused a food can caused people cancer and heart disease.A food best choice as low meat,dairy,grains, fruit and vegetables. we must less a food have fats,oil,and sweets.Beside that, we must always do exercise everyday,but if not have time to exercise everyday, can do atleast every weekend as jogging,play foot ball or something can be exude sweat.beside, we must have time to rest and not always busy because when always busy people will stress and not have to take self.

abdullah bin ab. rahman


The thing that I do to become a halthy life are choose goodness foods, always exercise and live in health invironment . The most important is choose foods that goodness to eat and make rutin in our life. Dont take foods fat. we must choose food that have calcium, protein, carbohidrat, vitamin and others. Eat in time As suggested, take milk and bread in morning, afternoon take rice with frood. Do like this also in evening and night dont abundant take sugger and salt. Besides that we must exercise at less three times in per month. It is because to far our self from disease. Based on staitstic peole that not exercise will easy get disease compare peoples that do it. We will fell fresh and calm if always do exercise. Lastly to get healthy life we also must life in health invironment. Invironment that not have polluted help to become healthy life. Besides that we must manage our life so that not be a tension. Because in tension situation make be easy get disease and live with good manage will be our live happy and always in healthy life.
review by adzha

hEalThY LiFe

Everybody must dream life in healthy life.As we know healthy life most important to our body.if our body is not healthy maybe our body can be a tired and also can make our life can not be take care our body so that be a healthy, we must take care about our life for example we must take more a protein,vitamin,cabohydrat and many more,it's can make our life be healthy.we also must care our food,we must eat more fruit so that our body full of energy.As we know many disease's because of imbalance food like diabetis,heart attack and others.futhermore we also must exercise like jogging,swimming and others.In addition we must take a food eat less ,because when we take the balance food it's can make our healthy life,it's also can make our life can be happy everyday nothing thinking about diseases.we also must take balance food everyday.and dont take a sweet food at night because when we eat before sleep our body can be a fat.We must exercise everyday,for example we wake up early everyday and spend our time 15 minute to jogging and others.we mus take eat food guide pyramid so that our body can be healthy and our life also can be happy.

reviewed by ;nur izni binti ishak (1080943)

Healthy Life

In a busy life,everyone should know how to make their life be healthy and goods.For me, i have my own way. Usually, every morning i will wake up early to do any exercise that can sweat like jogging and aerobics. That all was to add an energy in a body. But, unfotunately, most of Malaysian citizen not realize this. In the morning, we can count how many person who will do an exercise. And one more thing that we always forget is breakfast. For me, breakfast is the one things that i will do every morning. It is because, before we use our body, we must to give the body an energy to be strong and having ability to go through whole of the day.I hope in this part,there are no person who disregard that. Beside that, the routine of meals in everyday, we should to follow it fluently.For example lunch and dinner. But, please don't eat to much till gain our weight.Now, just look, with simplely, we also can get the healthy life.

Reviewed by:Musfiroh bt Ahmad (1080947)

A Healthy Life

The way to help myself live a healthy life it is;the first I make the food guide table on everyday. I need follow that food guide table because there very important to myself for take menu on time. The everyday I take three the time to eat. The following shows menu shows what I usually eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The breakfast time i take one egg, one cupe of juice fruit and bananas. For lunch time I eat the rice, fish or meat, vegetable and mineral water. Besides that,for dinner time also i only eat the fruit. After that, I must do exercise on every week.I'm sure everyone wants to live a long,healthy life. So, we must believe fruit and vegetable is a good diet. We know that the food we eat affects us in defferent ways. We can improve our diet now and enjoy many years of healthy living. Thats all..1080951


To live in healthy, I must do anything that regarding to it.. Means, I must keep my health in good condition such as practice the healthy life like involve in sport, eat protein food, vitamin, fruits and whatever kinds of thing that can evade my self from any types of dangerous diseases such as cancer. The big problem in society nowadays is psychology problem or in other word stress. So to solve or overcome it, I will always find psychology doctor to make therapy treatment.. Beside that I will make myself to being active in whatever kind of "charity" to find a lot of friend that can make me always happy with their different character.. Thats all!!!!!!!!

healthy life

If someone ask me what is the way to help myself in healthy life, I will said "I sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning". This is the best way for me to keep myself in healthy life. I said like that because I need enough energy to study at the morning as compact schedule's student. While I sleep early because I'm so tired at the morning with the lecture and other activities. Actually sleep early at night as my habitual activity everyday since at secondary school because I like to wake up early at 4 o'clock to finish all my work lonely. At the same time I like to make a revision without other person beside me. It is imposible to say food factor didn't important in mylife. Food also give an impact for me to help myself live in healthy life. I like to drink ice milo and bread with egg since 9 years old. I make it myself everyday until I get a migraine at 10 years old. After getting the illness, I try to balance my menu according to dietry. And the important thing is I like to eat papaya as "desert food". This kind of fruit help my digesting process and make me easy to "throw away" what I didn't want to use in my body... Hehehehehe..... So try to keep yourself in healthy life. And don't be a wasting person. TQ and May Allah Bless You...

How make my life health

When I in kindergarten and secondry school, my friend always call me 'chuby' and 'boyot'. It is because I'm very fat in that time. So, I tell my self to diet to make my body in good shape. The first thing I do to make my body in good shape and make my life healthy is have a good and healthy meal. I make sure that my food is free from fat and eat the healthy meal like fruit, vegetable, cereal and othres. I also drink milk twice per day, in morning and night, before I sleep. I also eat in particular time such as my dinner time is between 6 p.m until 7 p.m. Doing exercise in three day per week is also my routine to make my life healthy. The exercise that I do is jog, play football, weightlifting and othres. With doing this routine, it make my body health. To make my spirit healthy as my body, the first thing I do is pray five times per day. It is compulsory to me as Muslim to do that. I also will read Al -Quran after Subuh and Maghrib. This kind of routine can make my life out of stress and make my spiritual stronger. With doing all of this routine, it make my life health and happy.

Abdul Baari

~on my own way to protect myself~

HEALTH it is most important in our life. We must handle it properly while we still young. It is because the health begun with how we trying to help our self live a healhty life. On my way, I prefer to make my breakfast with two eggs,two slice of white bread with butter and also one cup of milk with cream and sugar.. For my lunch, I prefer to take some rice,vegetable,chicken or fish and also desert.I will take one hamburger on a roll,one large order of French fries,an order of broccoli and lettuce also tomatoes for my dinner. Sometime I prefer western food for my dinner with my happy family. If i make some revision at the night, I will make some milk and eat an apple during my revision section.And it called supper...There are the ways that I had trying to protect myself from any kind of disease.
posted by:Nur Adila Bt Anuar.(1080953)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mop shoes

Nowadays, all students in University are busy with their assignment, activity club and others. So, they have no time to clear their room. As a result, I have a new invention that student need today. It is a mopshoes which it is different another shoes because it is “2 in 1”. Why I said that? Because it is not only shoes but it also clean and clear your room. It is easy to use it because we just walk and your room is clean in a few minute. Besides that, it can save your time. I suggest for all people buy it. I used a good local in Malaysia to make it. So, the cost to buy it around Rm1000 only. BUY and Try it now.

nur ilyani normuda

Topic 5: New Invention "4 IN 1"

Wanna know about my new product?? Just chack it out??

Since I studied at engeneering school, I was thought to create a new invention that people need today and also can give them a lot of benefit. When I thought deeply, I got an Idea that I'll never thought before. What's that?? That was "4 in 1 " product. Why I called it like that? Because, my product included four technologies in one thing. That were mp3, Internet, tv screen and digital dictionary. I thought that you can imagine what will it do because, we were already know the functions of above. I just made people easy to use all that functions in "one time". I meant, no need to the owners of my 4 in 1 product to waste their time to go anywhere such as cyber cafe to surf internet and so on because, they just need to find a comfortable place and "enjoy their self". So you can see that my product can give you benefits and become the important thing in your daily life. Why? Because its not waste your money, time.. My product was available to all communities such as children, teenager, adult and also the old. So what are you waiting for?? Buy it because its just RM555...
Post by_ Norafni Satumin (1080949)

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I think the new invention that people need today is fold machine. It will fold any clothes with changing the button. It's only fold the right and left part. Then, fold the under and the above side. Next, the clothes can be already to keep in cupboard. It will be important because easy, fast to use. All people can use it especially to housewife whether she works or full time housewife. The husband and children also can use it. It can save of time that other thing can do with complete. The price only RM59.99, so let's buy it. If you fast, you can get.

ctfairuz bahman

My new invention of flying cars

I thinks that my new invention is very needs today.My flying car is very fast in everytime and everywhere. I'm create it with two exhaustes. It is very important to people today because easy to who want to go everywhere faster and save their time.Then, when you are use my invention, you are lost of stress in traffic jam.Everybody whether adult or children can use my new invention because it is very cute and interesting.I'm create it in various colours.I have to try to use it and i can prove that my flying car is very wonderful. My new invention is very cheap and i know that you able ti buy it.So, get it NOW !!


new invention

Nowadays there are so many kind of technology invention that give us a lot of advantages. But there is other new invention that people need today. I think the new invention is three in one laptop. What I mean here there is a laptop combination with a printer and also a scanner. This new kind invention is suitable to university student especially. But it is also suitable with the all workers that work at the office and the worker that use a lot of document such as the businessman, teacher, and so on. The function of this new invention is as usually to print out the document, scan the picture or document and also to type a document. This is the special and wonderful new technology because of the combination function in one laptop. I think this is an important thing because, as a unversity student I have a lot of problem to settle my homework in one time such to type and print out after finish my work. The problem is I must go to the cyber cafe to print out and I must to pay it with RM 0.30 each print. That is only one paper, if I want to print out about 40 sheet I must pay a lot. So, I want to suggest this is an important new invention to produce. We already know the totally cost of the laptop and the printer. So here it can be a little increase price for each purchase. And lastly I hope there is company have an initiative who want to produce it invention. So don't think in much time. Just do it. Insya Allah.

Digital newspaper....

I think the most important that people need today is a digital newspaper.It is because all the people busy with their work and don't have much time to buy a newspaper.My new invention is called Nobert Aschenbrenner of Siemens.This screen of new digital newspaper can do everything a regular TV screen or computer monitor can do, but at a fraction of the cost:The technology makes it possible to put moving images directly onto paper ... at a cost that would make it economical to use on everything from magazines to cigarette packets ... where the moving images would give more detailed instructions than any photo could ever do.Science fiction fans have already gotten a nice visual foretaste of how the early, small versions of these displays might be used. In the movie Minority Report, Tom Cruise's character has breakfast while watching the moving pictures, text and cartoons on the back of the Pine Oats cereal box.
Getting the price down for somewhat larger displays will bring the
mediatron from Neal Stephenson's 1995 novel The Diamond Age closer to reality..The person who have a good job may able to used this digital newspaper..It is important because it easy to bring anywhere as you want..TQ

posted by Nur Adila Bt Anuar

New Invention

Many other people have like new invention today , maybe know how to help or servis for another people especially student and society.I think many company shows to people our unique product .This among as new invention name is '' Jadoo" .It never be regret for getting our product its full at benefit.Jadoo have many funtions among as video, compas , camera , mp3 , TV dictionary , pendrive and others .Jadoo with might it cost very cheap.Jadoo have very benefits of funtions , its have easy to bring anywhere ,making lofe easier and saving budget at the time because the price touch a little RM100 when get only.So , get it now today.

By posted : Yusmaria bt Che Pa (1080952)

A new invention of fly cars

look...a new invention from me.

In this day,many new invention was create by genious people in our market. so I'm as a entreprenuer must create a new devices to make easiar at other people, my new invention its name strange cupboard. this is a magical cupboard, in this time people very busy with their work and function of this cupboard is after we washing our clothes we just hanging it in this cupboard and set the temperature time and after a few minutes least in 30 minutes we can look our clothes will be dry, and inside the cupboard have a perfume for a good smile to our clothes. this invention not so expensive to people.and the cost to buy it around RM500 toRM700 only and have in three size and this is a flexible cupboard and avaliable get in big market like Giant, Parkson, Tesco and so on....

posted by:nur atikah(1080944)

the watch

A new invention that people need today is a watch.It is because the time very important for everyone.the watch will it do at may 2012. the watch very important for every people because nowadays every people always chase of time.So, when use this watch, they will alaways look a watchat hand and they will know the time now. This watch also very important because when someone promise with friend,they not again late to meet because they have watch at hand.this watch also have a map,tempereture,compas,mp4 and a set time to prayer.this watch will be able use to every people, and might it cost estimate RM 500 only......


New invention

Nowsday, have many techonology was maked to easier for all people.It make also to fulfill our necessary. transport like LRT is train not have driver it is one new technogy. But all this, still did not able soft people's problem. Although have many public transport but traficgem still happen. I think we need transport that can move all area and more faster.

In additon, this car also not heavy can fly untill 0.5 km from land,because at air more calm from land.The journey will smooth without disturb.As hovercraf this car also can move over the sea.All people can get it because the price is very cheap and affordable,only RM 10,000,peole can buy it whether through loan or cash.This new technology can get every branch in state.By use this car people can use what time they need and any place they want to go....
review by adzha 1080955

dRiEr cuPboArd

my new invention is a drier cupboard,it can easier our life because we can't spend our time to do many work,the funtions is a to washig clothes,drying also and a very important this machine also can iron our clothes also.this machine can make our life be happy because it very useful.for example this machine can save our time,we just put it in the machine and just wait for 20 minute after that we can see our chlots can be clean,have a good smell and our clothes also can finishes ironing,it is very useful to people have a busy life like teacher,doctor and othes.It is suitable used for many people because this machine is not espensive just RM get it now.

Nur izni bInti ishak

New refrigerator

Progress of country now more be glow with their people who more clever to create a new invention. Even, with an emulation from others country, it will be one of easiness to them for sharing an information.I think, people now very need to making a new things in their life. Like the refrigerator. This items are very important in all of people now. Because people very busy with works and their family especially to some person which was married. Lets think about that. Not all of people have an able to going to the markaet for everyday only buying a wet items but they inability to take care this items to be long. So, with this refrigerator, people can using that with easy because this items have more an advantages than disavantage. To worker especially woman will cooking every morning before they work. Then after cooking, the cookery can keep in the refrigerator like an oven. Then when they comeback, they can eat. Besides that, to domestic engineer, they can putting any items in one place and without any smell because in this refrigerator, was have a perfume to making that items not smelly or damage. Even, people no need to wash this items because have the spin and dryer The cost is only RM 600. So, dont be waiting. You only need to coming, listening and buying.
From: Khatijah Sahak (1080940)

new invention

new invention, why people need it today.

i would like to choose a new invention from the handcraft. i like to promote recycle thing which use from recylcle thing then make it being The coconut palm tree and put the light all around it and the light is the best choice for decorating the parks, tourist resort, squares, hotels, street of cities and even our garden. when the new thing is created we will happy to show it. this product also cheap and easy to create. it suitable for all categories.if we buy it and put it at our house it look like so interesting especially at the night.the light so beautiful and look like the real tree.the cost also cheap just only RM10.00.the fact that some inventions are created just to make life more convenient and easy to us. this invention inventions are helping conserve our environment by reducing pollution and able to make our enviroment look so wonderful especially at is also can being a present gift for look like expensive but in fact it so hurry up.get it now.


The Cyclock

I think of a new invention that people need today The Cyclock.The Cyclock is a spectacles created for facilities every person in the world.The Cyclock has a bluetooth to conect other people such as we have not a ICD in the lecture to get a slide from lecturers or teachers, to receive Mp3,video and others. For the bleary, they can use it because it can be matched follow suitability. It also function as a handphone which is it will calling with voice dailing,the number of your mamber must download with computer and record your voice in the recorder of cyclock to order it. The Cyclock also can calling with menually and it just need scroll or press its keypad to conecting your member. The Cyclock will be able to every person especially lecturers, teachers and students. The cost to buy The Cyclock not very expensive, it just RM 1240.00 only.
By: Aisamuddin Ariff 1080941

Adopt a children

I think , I want to adopt a children when I married because the adopt children have exceptional among as connectionally strengthen to society although have a different to our society either a group poor or professional . And then , receive the blissful family and harmony.
As we know , last coming in the bad people willing to discard a child. So , from there are I was thinking positive for the have adopt a children and also educated or take care that neglected many children .When I thinking about this , I feel like to adopt children.

by : yusmaria che pa ( 1080952 )


Nilam Court college is the biggest college at the Islamic Sceince University of Malaysia(USIM). Almost 600 students are live there in 5 stories flat. Each house live 8 students so there are to difficult for them to laundry their clothes. Based on this problem, I have think about one solution to solve it. It is a NEW IRON BOARD that use steam energy.
My invention can dry wet clothes from all kind of fabric. Under the iron board I put a thin container that can fill with fabric softer such as Downi or Softlan so the fabric will be soft and smell fresh. Since university students have a busy life, this invention can save their time. They only have to iron one side of their cloth. The board of this product is cover with bubble foam that make the smooth or silk fabric stick on the board and easy to iron.This product is create with automtic stand and it height is depend on the user height.After six month, my invention are become famous among USIM students so I belive that this brilliant invention is suitable for others esspecially house wife.



Today, i think we need to creat a new invention to make easier ourlife. If i have a chance to make a new invention, i will creat something that related with the house equipment like magic iron board. It is because, nowdays,most of people live in a busy life. With the magic iron board, people can save more time and when we use it, we will never use many time. For example, we can iron our clothe in double at the same time and it's so save time. In other hand, the magic iron board also can spray out perfume or good smell and the smell will absorb in our clothe. From that, we not need to waste our perfume to spray at our clothe to make it deodorize because when we iron our clothe, the magic iron board was already spray out the good smell.And, the cost to make the magic iron board is not to expensive and i think the cost is around RM50.00 per one.

reviewed by: Musfiroh bt Ahmad (1080947)

New invention

I think the new invention that people need today is digital dictionary especially for student. Its also very important for find knowledge and meaning with easy and quick.Beside that, can do lamp for easy the people see when at dark place. So, its very easy and quick useful in wherever place. However. its too suitable using by public people for knowing any information and issue. Digital dictionary can different using thing wether information also other issue. I think with this invention can make people happy and easy to work moreover in busy life today. So, the people can use this dictionary on time and any place. Beside the people can know meaning and knowledge, its also can give many benefit such as example and interested issue. Thus, the cost for people buy it RM300 and give discount for student. I believe that its invention make people satisfied and happy using it.

Review by: Ima (1080962)

Flying Car

The new invention that people need to day is Flying Car. With the Flying Car, all people can go everywhere that they want easily.We can see that people always stuck at the road when they want to go to their work place in the morning. So to prevent they stuck at the road,they need a vehicle that flexible and can move through the air.So that,they can go to everywhere easy and fast and they can reach at the place they want to go in time. Everyperson can use this vehicle as long as they have enough money to buy it.The Flying Car might cost in RM 120 000 per one. I don't think that price is expensive because they are many vehicle that more expensive than this but do not have the abilities and advantages as Flying Car.


The new invention of fly cars

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Adopt Children

Child is give from god to all people that was married .But how about people that married without child. If this situation happen to me, I will take adopt. For easier all of matter I will take adopt that same race is Melayu .

To support may view I give four reason why I must take an adopt. First of all as a human behavior like a child so I have instinct to get a child to bring happiness for my life. Other that can share lovely with adopt . Secondly adopt can give blissful to fulfill from alone my life. Adopt also important to continue heritage especially family’s property. For example the parents have big company and need expand their business, of courts give the company to their child.

Lastly I can get new experience with adopt to share life with me. Furthermore adopt that I take from orphan. Important for me to give him opportunity live with family like other person.
review by adzha 1080955

Thursday, February 5, 2009


As we know every married couple wants children after marriage, it’s same with me…

If I cannot have children, I will adopt children. For me children can bring happiness, cheerful, and barakah at my family. I think, although we have anything in our life such as good career, a big car, a big home and good husband but it’s still not enough without child because children can take care of my life when I become old and make our life perfect.

And I will proceed to adopt children from other races or other country because as we know circumstances in the whole world in this day, many children neglected by their family causes from poorest problem or orphan. From that case, I can take them as my adopt children and it is my manner to me to help their future.

posted by:nur atikah 1080944


If I married and cannot have children of on my own, I will adopt children because children are one of factor the happiness in family. I and my husband also can help their future with give education, necessaries, love, and others. Most of them came from poor family, so we need to help the family with care the children. Some children, they did not have their own parents or family. So, I can care the children until they can be independent people. They can improve their life with get education and success in future. They also can make me and my husband happy and meaningful when many people in my family. I think that I not will adopt from other races or countries because hard to take care them. It also hard to communicate with them because different language and races.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

twin 09-89

If I have twin I am very happy because I can go anywhere with my twin. Another, my life not alone. I like the twin can change clothes together, the same school, same name and other. This is a positive think about the twin. At the same time, also have negative think about the twin. For example, they cannot be separation with their twin. If do something fair with their twin. However, by the twin cannot independent. All work, will be defendant with twin. This entitled, the twin may be cannot continue life, the twin died or continue the study and other. Additional, the twin has low and height, for example in education. Whatever, I am very happy if I have twin.

noorfalihin binti zoor 1080937


Since in my secondary school I always dream to have a twin because i'm feel so lonely. so I have a close friend to share about my secret,and we never be apart.I want her always with me and we will be together until we become adult.I belive that identical twins have ESP experience so I can feel my twins if we are distance.
For me, having twins sister is the best thing in the life.


If i have a twin...

Of course I love if I really-really have a twin because having a twin can make me getting more famous and popular. I wish I could have a brother. I mean a twin of a brother. Maybe we could have a same face and attitude. Wearing same clothiers will make us getting more famous. Of course, I feel quite ashamed but it doest matter. I like it…everyone will look at us but we proud of it. No one can separate us because we are too closed each other. Because we are becoming too closed to each other until the end of our life, insyaALLAH...
posted by: nur adila anuar(1080953)

Topic 4: WiLL We Adopt Children????

My life was so empty without my own children eventhought I was married 4 years ago. A lot of initiatives that I tried to getting my own children but, it was wasting my time. After I discussed with my husband, we concluded to adopt child from legal instituition such as an orphan house. My husband and I mate the manager of the orphan house at Kota Kinabalu Sabah to told him about our intentioned to adopt a child from that instituition. After we discussed, all parties were agreed than my husband signed some agreement and we were legally to adopt a child.

We adopted girl child names Amelia from that instituition. She so cute and she was Kadazan Dusun girl too.I love her so much and I felt that I cannot living without her. For me, I dont want to be suffering again because life without children is so "awful". I thought that having only one child was not enough. Because of that, I told to my Love that I would like to adopt child from other country like Angelina Jolie. My husband was very sporting and he allowed me to ahead with my honour intentioned.

After I made research, I would like to adopt child from China. I have a friend there that agreed to me to gave her son Chen Jin for me because, she had no financial ability to support hers son. Because of that, I adopted her son. Amelia was so happy to having brother because, she will never bored again..I'm so happy for that......


IF I MARRIED........

If i married and i dont have a children, i will discuss with my husband wether to adopt children or not. But, for me, i will adopt a children. It is because, in world of marriage if we not have a children, the marriage will looks not perfect for a couple. That's also same for me. If i adopt children, i will adopt him or she since baby and from Islam religions and Malaysian. I decide like that because it is will become easy for me to teach and educate he or she base on our religion and cultural. I also will giving all my loving for he or she hundred percent in their life as my own children. And i hope, all my family will accept my decision and will give their loving to my adopt chilren too...and now,i have already prepared the names for my adopt children as a Muhammad E'zzal Amin.

reviewed by : Musfiroh Bt. Ahmad (1080947)

Monday, February 2, 2009

wheN I hAvE aN adOpt cHilD

I was married on 16 sept 1998 with my husband but I’m very worried besause until now we don’t have a child,so we are decided that we can take adopt children from gaza city.i will get it because I’m with my husband feel very lonely at home. I’m and my hubby can take an adopt children.we decided to take an adopt because we are like children and most important why I take a child from Gaza because we are very pity about his fate ,because at his country now not peace like Malaysia. If i take an adopt child, I can gived my adopt a more education,and also take cake about his and give a more loving.I with my husband was take an adopt children from gaza was his still young (baby boy).I promise I can gived my adopt a loving.I decide to take adopt because I think if I don’t have a child my life can’t perfect and my life so lonely and not happy.I also can fell perfect when I’m have a child altough just an adopt children.I and my husband promise that we can give him a more loving as long as I’m and my husband an able to became a good parents to his.I’m think if I’m don’t have a own child maybe when i’m of the age of my life can lonely and can not get some of the loving from son or daugther.when I’m have an adopt I think and fell my adopt can take care about me and my husband when we was old.However I’m very comfortable when have a child at home and I heard his voice also make me so happy and automatic my life is not boring.



Every married couple wants to have children. The children are one of part in condition to be achieved happiness of couple. In my opinion about to adopt the adopted children decided to certain condition.

I will adopt to the adopted children when I have not choice to do so like that. For example when we have not opportunity to has a child. The children very important for me because they are person will take care about us in one of the day. When we having child, we will feel more needed and directly complement family member. Why I will adopt a child when we no chance to be able to child?

For me own children is family symbol real felicities us. Therefore I will happy when I can have own children and it will encourage I so more diligent to work for my family member.

That all my opinion about to adopt the adopted children. A child in a family like a pearl.

By: Aisamuddin Ariff 1080941

Sunday, February 1, 2009

When you cannot have children

When Couples married must want have children of own. If a couple cannot have children of own, they will try to apply adopt children. I say that because take the adopt children make a happy family and complete when have children although. Beside that, when a child at home, can will a life couple make happy and get realize tension when at home.

When I adopt children I will take adoptions from my own country Malaysian. I say that because I want help people in Malaysia. Beside that, I can essay communicate with him.It is a reason why I did not want take children adopt from another country.

Abdullah 1080960

adoptive children

Children is one of the worthwile thing in couple’s life. If I getting a married, I want my own children with my real husband hopefully. However if the result different with my hope, I will adopt a children. Having a life as a wife to a husband may be bored without the coquettish children. May be, sometimes I need a friend to accompanies me at home if my husband have his own work. I can play, teach, having a meal and others with my adopt children. So, that’s why I want to adopt the children to make my life very happy if I didn’t have my own children. Beside, I’m very sympathy to other children didn’t has their own partner to share their happier and bad experience. I will imagine their life without a parents next them. It’s to hard to say that having a difficult life without a loving parents between us. Parents give a lot of meaning in children’s life. Nowadays we can see a lot of technology medical instruments to having a real children but in other hand we can make an advantage to helping a poor family by take their children as a adopt children. I like to see a Korean or Chinese face especially the child. They are so cute and chubby. If I want to adopt a children, I want to take from the other races. By this way I can teach my adopt children a beautiful religion that is Islam. In other reason, I can make a something special for my religion by make someone non Muslim being a Muslim. INSYA ALLAH

Posted by : MUNIRAH MUKHYUDDIN – 1080954 -

When I doesn’t have children……

When a couple married, they must want a third party in their family that we called it children. In our tradition, when you are married, they will ask you “have you got a child” or “how many your children”. From that we know that in our tradition that when someone married they must have children. If they cannot have children we will called them ‘unlucky’ couple. But nowadays, there are many couple that cannot have their own child adopts child or children from others or adoption agencies.

For me, if my wife cannot birth a child because certain problems mainly the health problems, I will adopt a child or children if my couple agree with that ‘idea’. For me, if someone married but doesn’t have a child it doesn’t make that family or marriage a happy family. For me, kids will bring happiness in my life. With their behaviors or manners, laugh, cry and so on make my life colourful and meaningful. When you have children, it will make your more mature in life and more responsibility in your marriage.

When I want to adopt a child or children, I will adopt the child or children in my country. It is because it makes the adoption process more easy and fast. It also doesn’t make more trouble or problem for the future such as the nationality of the child or children. For me the race of the child or children doesn’t bring problems as long as the nationality of that child or children same with me. For me, if my adopt children are from others race it will make my family more colourful and special than other family.


In my own way...

If I were married and I cannot have a children, I never adopt a children because I think it will getting difficult on me. I said like that because if I adopt a children and the children is a boy thus when he growing up he will be my 'mahram' if I adopt him during his growing up. If I adopt him while he still a baby maybe not and I don't care about that. In contrast, my husband will get a difficult life because his life will be a limited. Because of that we will never adopt a child in our life.

We will solve this problem softly and use any kind of treatment which is having in entire world. Nowadays, our world get solve this problem properly. For example by using an IVF or traditional treatment such as method of massage. They ask me if I adopt a child, will I adopt them from other races or country? Maybe because I want to make some different family. And to understand their culture and language. Beside that, I also want to help their poor family if their really from poor family.

posted by: Adila Anuar(1080953)

never give up

After 2 years I married but I still have no children with my loving husband. I’m feeling lonely at home when my husband goes to work. As a result, we decide to adopt a child. We choose a different race and religion because we can teach him about Islam. InsyaAllah, he can be a stronger Muslim. Athough he my adopted child, I love him very much and want gives him a happy life.This includes a comfortable home, a loving family and a good education.
During a school holiday, my husband and I bring he to visit his natural parents because we want he know where he from and who his biological parent.Athough I have adopted children but I still hope one day I have a child of my own. I will never give up because my brother also likes me. However, he won’t adopt children athough 10 years he married. But after 10 years he have 3 daughters on his own.

nurilyani normuda
if i decide to adopt a child from other country and races.

in my opinions if this situation happening to me absolutely i will adopt it because all the people are same. races and country not being a problem to me. as well as we able to care , teach and educate them as being well mannered we will happy and our life will be complete. another races and country is not the issue because our target is to have a child,if they are from another races and country we can educated and teach them to be like us. because the quality of our thinking will determines the quality of our future, so why not we try to adopt a child from other country and races? besides that we also can help them to go out from the poor family and got the new life for them...witout awareness adopt a child who are from the poor family is one of the way charity thing perhaps if we do it we will get the rewards that we never expect.

achuyah 1080958
About twins
In my opinions in fact I don’t wanna have a twins because I think its better to to be a single. However it cant be denied that There are many unique and wonderful aspects to being a twin .Anyway For me single is better than have a twin. Im said like that because I think so hard to have a twin.. the people arounds us absolutely will compare all the the thing if we have twins. Such as behaviour, education, personalize and others. Twins also don’t always get along… all the thing we done always be compare and the best example is wnhen we are quarelling."People always think of us and our twin at the same time. From there they will judge who is kind and bad.huh I don’t like that way. none human being are perfect right? and there is a time, sometime we being well mannered and sometimes we not. Another thing is if we have a twin we will share all the thing together because our twin understand us better than anyone. It happen because it has intense with one another. And for me its not comfort to have someone know as well because its no pivacy.especially in community. when we have a huge circle of friends, absolutely our twins and us have our own friends who overlap with each other because of sports, classes, and other things we're involved in. We're lucky to be part of such a big group of friends." But all this being not happy and really frustatting if they always compare ourself with our twins. Especially our twins is more pretty and more brilliant than the better is to be a single from being a twin.



To me, if I'm married and I haven't child, I and my husband want to get a adopt child. Because having a child make me happy and also my family. When I and my husband going anywhere, of coursely we can't boring because we also caught our child. Besides that, I'm also will learn how to take care a child starting baby untill adult. Even, make me to became a responsbility people because we must take care all of their life like lecture them untill they became a successful person. But, I don't want them have a trouble live. Then when I'm was old, my child will help me and take care of me and my husband.

Even though, when we get the adopted child , automatically will help them from poor family especially from the different countries or races. Because not of all country have a better economic and besides that, can makes a different generation. But, when my adopt child was grow up I and my husband never and ever forget to tell them about their true family and we want they meets their family.

The adoptive children are one of ways to the couple which don't have their own children. I'm say that because without the child, our live will be lonely and it is not perfect life. So, appreciate them with our loving.

From: Khatijah Sahak(1080940)


As we know , today is desiminate on broadcasting by radio or telivision . Gaza medical officals say at least 870 Palestine , about half a suspected rocket launch sites on the air .The indicated that Israel is way of open - ended conflict that run under the Egypt Gaza border.

Israel has accuse Hamas of lauching attack from mosque and schools and using them to hide weapons.Israel says , Hamas fighters are wearing civilian clothes and endangering civilians by operating in resident areas.I guess as long as the weapon can keep flowing through the tunnels that have not been blasted they will party on.

Since that , all the country make a demonstration for disobey he Israels company.Thoroughly , in Islamic society shall be boycott to property in Israel.As long as , I hope Israel discontinue to territory in Gaza.

Review : yusmaria che pa ( 1080952 )

Indomitable kids of palestine

Are palestine children safe now? this are moan of palestine children to the government palestine. The child injured in the attacks on war-torn gaza, had been rushed here in an ambulance. We could not help but be impressed by the resilience of the palestine children. They are very patient and brave.

Nearly a month zionist regimes attack the palestine. The bomb own of zionist regimes soldier attacks the world palestine, they are not recognize of human either is adult or kids. Did they are pass from the Israelis? they are awake and you see a lot of awareness and anger in their eyes. I ask myself the sort of future israel is making of palestinian leaders and adding that the conflict would shape palestinian minds in the years ahead. I think these children are the people who are going to make a difference in the future. Imagine a child who is raised in such a situation. It is very difficult to kid life of palestine on future. Review by rosmawati saleh...1080951


If I can't have my own baby , I will adopt childrens . For me, having childrens are very important.It make my married more joyfull and worth.Thus, if I have my own childrens, I also adopt another childre to help them to get a better life. I will adopt childrens as much as I could so my children s will grow up perfectly with their parent and sibling. They can learn about love each other without any gap about races or their skin tone.

It is fine for me to adopt children from other races or other country. I will adopt childrens from poor country such as India, African or Asean country. It will make my family more unique and i will try my to give my best attention to make sure they have their future life. It is my responsible to teach them Islam is the way of life. I'm not worries about my financial because I belive in grant from Allah swt.

post by: noraziana aziz 1080938

About the adopt children


Twin in my opinion is part from us can be seen as object and image. However in twin having respective specialties no matter whether physically or mental. Have been lots fun of less enjoyable having twins.

Twin is able to share happy and sorrow. They be able to share happy and sorrow for instance such as problems involving feeling. Really even heart affairs matter or feeling was one complicated to understand however for twin it is easy ones, this is because between them more understanding between one any other than others. Factor environment in undergo life ditto is important factor cause he more understanding.

For their twin be able to always study together. Twin life in are mostly next door to his difference, is no impossible of the twin is well off within one same class, this cause what they learn is the same and not impossible also by what posting by their teacher is the same. At the same time they are able to trade they opinion and comprehension.

Less enjoyable in twin feel self were others apart from his self namely his twin. This twin as most what in interest, and are taken against is what in interest, and hated by his couple.

That is in my opinion on twin issue basically twin having a lot good from bad.

By: Aisamuddin Ariff 1080941

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Do you like being a twins????

Twin is a one of a pair that are exactly alike, and born at one birth. Usually, twin is a two or more person has a similar in their face, attitude, behaviour, and so on.

Sometimes I was imagine, how feel have a twin sister? Oh I guess, my life become more cheerful when I have a twin sister, because society will give more attention at twin because twins are different from another people. Twin can be limelight by society.
I think when I have a twin, my life not so lonely, because we have many time to doing many activities together. In that situation, I can share about my feeling with my twin like happy, sad, angry, disappointed and so on. We also can give support at each other and give motivation when we feel down.

Afterwards, when I have a twin, I believe my sister and I can be more famous in school, workplace, and function because society will give more attention at twin. We can see about Ekin and Aen, they are a twin and an actor also. They are not so talented in their field, but how they are can be famous in Malaysia until everyone know them. Maybe one of the factor is because they are a twin.

So I think who are become a twin very lucky because many benefit we can see but they are also have a challenging such as everyone will compare at this pair, maybe in behaviour, academic, or social.

Posted by:
Nur Atikah bt Rosman (1080944)

Friday, January 30, 2009

TOPIC 3: Twins

Since I was a child, I asked my mom, “why I was born alone without twin mom?” My mom answered me, “Because, Allah Created you to be “single” but, it didn’t mean that you will single forever”. “Why mom?”. “Because, you are going to get a sister 8 months from now my dear”. However, although it was good news, getting a sister is not same with have a twin.

In my village there are girl twins’ names Bud and Ugou. For the first time I saw them, it was hard to identify which one is Bud and which one is Ugou because, they were identical twins. When I saw them walked together, I was imagining that, if I have a twin, I am going to become like Bud and Ugou. I meant, wear the same cloth, shoes and so on. Beside that, we can share our secrets, style (image), fashion, imagination and feeling too because, as we know, habitually, the chemistry between twins was so strong. However, it was just dream that very impossible to make it real.

Although it was best and interesting to have a twin, but it did not mean that, what we were thought in our mind was perfect. For example, when one of the twins made mistake, automatically, another twin will be effected too. Maybe, because of the people that hard to determine which one was guilty actually. Therefore, after I thought deeply, I was felt inside of my heart that there must have the hidden secret that we cannot saw but it was actually exist. So, I must be happy to being “SINGLE”… How about you?

(Norafni Satumin_1080949)


Twin is interesting to be discuss because it is marvelous creature for people. I am one from them that have twin. I am oldest brother and have two younger brother, they is twin. It’s makes me happy because I get two brothers in one time. Usually to get two brothers need one and two years. It also increase the member of my family. Actually they both are identical twins. Not all people can exposure like me to have this marvelous and tremendous feeling.

The most interesting is when my father will buy are same clothes to them. Moreover they look matching dressing the clothes especially when celebrate Hari Raya. They share lots of similar characteristic including their attitude, which surely have the same hobby and thinking.

It’s perhaps will make peoples to be confuse determine which one is A and which one is B. In this case it definitely only the person who very close to them can detect the different. During childhood they hard to be split. But when they grow up as adult both of them have own ambition , lifestyle especially when they get married. I pray to god who is the most graces and the most merciful to plan and create all this. I also appreciate good’s blessing and always thank to him. I hope we as one family get blissful forever…
review by mohd adzha bin sa'pie (1080955)