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Sunday, February 1, 2009

When I doesn’t have children……

When a couple married, they must want a third party in their family that we called it children. In our tradition, when you are married, they will ask you “have you got a child” or “how many your children”. From that we know that in our tradition that when someone married they must have children. If they cannot have children we will called them ‘unlucky’ couple. But nowadays, there are many couple that cannot have their own child adopts child or children from others or adoption agencies.

For me, if my wife cannot birth a child because certain problems mainly the health problems, I will adopt a child or children if my couple agree with that ‘idea’. For me, if someone married but doesn’t have a child it doesn’t make that family or marriage a happy family. For me, kids will bring happiness in my life. With their behaviors or manners, laugh, cry and so on make my life colourful and meaningful. When you have children, it will make your more mature in life and more responsibility in your marriage.

When I want to adopt a child or children, I will adopt the child or children in my country. It is because it makes the adoption process more easy and fast. It also doesn’t make more trouble or problem for the future such as the nationality of the child or children. For me the race of the child or children doesn’t bring problems as long as the nationality of that child or children same with me. For me, if my adopt children are from others race it will make my family more colourful and special than other family.


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