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Sunday, March 15, 2009

How make my life health

When I in kindergarten and secondry school, my friend always call me 'chuby' and 'boyot'. It is because I'm very fat in that time. So, I tell my self to diet to make my body in good shape. The first thing I do to make my body in good shape and make my life healthy is have a good and healthy meal. I make sure that my food is free from fat and eat the healthy meal like fruit, vegetable, cereal and othres. I also drink milk twice per day, in morning and night, before I sleep. I also eat in particular time such as my dinner time is between 6 p.m until 7 p.m. Doing exercise in three day per week is also my routine to make my life healthy. The exercise that I do is jog, play football, weightlifting and othres. With doing this routine, it make my body health. To make my spirit healthy as my body, the first thing I do is pray five times per day. It is compulsory to me as Muslim to do that. I also will read Al -Quran after Subuh and Maghrib. This kind of routine can make my life out of stress and make my spiritual stronger. With doing all of this routine, it make my life health and happy.

Abdul Baari

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