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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Neuroscientists have discovered why children excel at learning language

I read an article entitle Neuroscientists have discovered why children excel at learning language written by researchers Dr. Paul Thompson, so I agree this article because children more than quickly to learning new languages than adults. Another that, early childhood better that to learn new something for anything example new languages because their brains more active to learning something and easy to keep their memory after learning something. When children acquire language, this same part or the brain, called the “ deep motor area” , is what they use, so the language is like second nature. But when adults learn a second or third language, their brains operate differently. Even for people with extensive training in a second language as an adult, who feel their speech is automatic, on a neurological level the brain is still operating differently from a child’s. I have several suggestion to learning new language for adults. Firstly, learn about new language their adults must be confident and desire to learn especially don’t shy if wrong say some new word. Beside that, if learn about new language must be always practice and try to talking with parents, friends, teacher and others. Furthermore, vocabulary is a important also, their adults must to save much new words languages and try to practice in talking with people.

Identity and Learning...

I read an article entitle how my twins saved my life by kicking loose a tumour while still in my womb written by Lucy Laing. My opinion about this article very interesting and feeling suspended because actually a mother Alice and Harriet is a Mrs.Stepney unknown to her had developed cervical cancer. Her unborn twin’s constant kicking in the womb actually managed to dislodge the tumour. Andthan , doctors realized she had cancer and they told her the babies had saved her life. Without them, the cancer may not have been discovered until it was too late. Beside that, Mrs.Stepney not believe it when the doctor told her that the babies had dislodged the tumour. If she not pregnant with the twins,the cancer may not have been discovered until it was too late. She had chemotheraphy every fortnight and was constantly scanned to monitor the babies development and carried on growing well. Andthan, they were born without any hair as a result of the chemotherapy, but other than that, they were healthy. Furthermore, Alice and Harriet also identical twins and grow up together. Of course, their appearance was the same height,weight, hair colour and eye colour.

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