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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Topic 2:Ya Allah Please Blessing Our "FRIENDS" At Palestine

One day the miracle will come. On that day The Israel, will destroy.

As a Muslim, I am so sad when The Zionist attack our “friends” at Palestine. Why they do that? The answer is, as we know Allah SWT said in Al-Quran Al-Karim that the race of Yahudi has a “bad heart” and difficult to bring them to upholding with Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. Therefore, the Yahudi becoming Islam’s enemy specially Palestinians for a long times ago since the period of the Islamic Civilization development.

Yahudi that I meant just now is Israel. If we look to the map, we can see that there is no Country name Israel actually. The land that there are living for a long times is Palestinian’s land. They were stealing it with violence method. For example, they kill The Palestinian’s without looking to their victims either child, woman or old persons. They attack them like an animal and it is happen until now as we heard, read and saw from newspaper, radio, internet and television nowadays. Check a lot of information from and http://www.valparaisotimes. There is a lot of pro and contra about the war between Israel and Palestine.

As we know, The Zionist attack the Palestine with the cooperation and supporting from America in many aspects specially gun and financial. Why? Because, they are also the enemy of Islam. Because of the violence, more than 1000 victims were dying include child, woman and old persons. Beside that, the Israel also bomb the hospital, mosque, house and whatever area that they were thinking that the Hamas were staying. It is very awful like living in the darkness without the lighting of the sun. No one wants to stay in the darkness, but, for the Palestinians, they have to living in it because of the DEVIL (Israel). Therefore, as a Muslim we must praying for them and help them with any kinds of effort such as donate and boycott AMERICA product to make The Zionist being Pressure.

Norafni Satumin (1080949)

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