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Saturday, October 11, 2008

article -mun-

I have read an article the tittle is Boost Your Career With A Hobby. This article is writen by Jennifer Robinson. She said in this article, to get a happy job, we can combine our hobby in our daily job. For example, Jennifer Robinson love in photography and she integrated her hobby into her daily job in marketing communication. I agree with Jennifer Robinson's statement. Sometime our daily job can make our life so boring and make them fed up go to work when they think about thier problem at the office. By using Jennifer's idea people can work with happily and they can improve their quality or work and have a possitive reputation.But, that is not mean that they can work without serious attitude. This way just increase their feel in work. Give attention in your job and at the same time use your hobby to boost you in your career. According to your hobby may be it can make your work more comfortable. And lastly, I think it is very important way to make a people as a worker did not get a stress bocause of their job. Beside it can make them more happy with their job and make the worker more closely.
Reviewed by : MUNIRAH MUKHYUDDIN -1080954-
I have read an article the tittle is How To Advertise Your Product Effectively Using Banner. This article is add by google ( Professional Website Development ). This article is talking about how to advertise product using banner. Banner is one of the important way to tell everyone about your product. I think business owner must be clever and intelligent how to attarct a customer to use their service and buy their pruduct.Using banner is the intelligent way to attract the customer. But, the important thing is, the banner must beautiful, unique, and creative. The beautiful banner make the customer want to try your service or your product. May be by using this way, their product can be popular among customer not in Malaysia but in another country. In addition the colour, size of the word, size of the banner is improtant too. While custome banner is important to attract the children customer. The children easy to get closer wtih a something funny and cute. That is true that banner is way to advertise product, but the business owner must remember that is not mean use a lot of money to make a banner just spend a money for make a beautiful, unique, and creative banner. And lastly, I agree 100% that banner is an important thing to advertise product and service beside the skill of business.
Reviewed by : MUNIRAH MUKHYUDDIN -1080954-

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